Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yet Another Generic Music Based Blog About Music

And what a blog it is! To start off with a bang I've decided to share with my readership (A.K.A you, and only you) my personal favorite album of 2010, Fang Island's self titled sophomore album.

Well I was gonna write a serious review of this record until I realized what I wanted to say was pretty much exactly the same shit Pitchfork gave in their review so instead I'll just bullshit you. Personally I found this record to be like that warm, sunny summer day when you were 8. You know the one when you woke up and th world was full of possibilities, spending your day on all sorts of hobgobbly nonsense, the last track, the slow fading out track feels like when your parents dragged you inside and forced you to bed. Basically, this album is this Calvin and Hobbes strip.

Try it before you buy it